Workplace wellbeing Edinburgh

Workplace wellbeing Edinburgh

What better way to look after your employees then providing healthy lifestyle opportunities?  Jump Edinburgh can come to your workplace and run fitness & wellbeing sessions.  Offering outdoor fitness, boxercise or even setting up a lunchtime jogging or walking group. 

You’ll reap the benefits of a healthier, happier and more connected workplace. 

Jump Edinburgh can also offer one off workshops that are perfect for healthy team building events, including silent disco, hula hooping and hikes. 

Healthy Workplace - 4 week programme

So excited to be collaborating with Valeria Folco Nutrition for this innovate staff wellbeing programme. If you are a workplace looking to provide wellbeing opportunities please do enquire below.

Partnering up to bring a fun wellbeing lunch break incluing nutrition advice, hula hooping, silent disco & more.